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      Your Privacy is important to us. 

      We know that how we collect, use, exchange and protect your information is important to you, and we value your trust. That’s why protecting your information and being clear about what we do with it is a vital part of our relationship with you. 

      Rexi Marketing Pty Ltd trading as Brickographer (Brickographer) understands the importance of individual privacy and is committed to the protection of your personally identifiable information (‘Your PI’). As part of this commitment, we have developed this policy (‘Privacy Policy’) in line with the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’) set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (‘Privacy Act’) and administered by the Federal Privacy Commissioner. 

      This Privacy Policy applies to the collection, storage, use and dissemination by Brickographer of Your PI that is collected as part of our business operations, including, without limitation, through the operation of this website and its related properties, platforms and applications, (together, ‘Sites’). The Privacy Policy forms part of, and should be read together with, the Terms of Use. By using the sites you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. 

      This Privacy Policy contains the following important information regarding Your PI: 

      • Collection of Your PI 
      • Storage and Security of Your PI 
      • Use and Disclosure of Your PI 
      • Access to Your PI 
      • Disclaimer
      • Further Information
      • Contact Us 

      If there are changes to law or to our business operations, we may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will provide notice of this by posting the most recent version of the Privacy Policy on this website. It is also available by contacting the Brickographer.

      Collection of Your PI 

      The types of Your PI we may collect from time to time will vary depending on the nature of your dealings with us. However, we will only collect Your PI to the extent reasonably necessary to carry out our business activities, including without limitation to carry out or enhance the functions offered on the areas of Sites that you choose to enter or use, or to provide, maintain or optimise our products or services, and in all cases by lawful and fair means. If we receive Your PI that is unsolicited, and such information was not able to be collected under the APPs, within a reasonable period of time we will destroy or de-identify that information, provided that it is lawful and reasonable to do so. 

      We may collect information by a variety of means, including, without limitation, via the Sites, over the Internet, by phone, in person, at events, through competitions, surveys or other marketing activities, and from our partners or other persons under the terms of their own privacy policies. In general, the types of Your PI could include any information from which you are ‘reasonably identifiable’ and could include your name, email address, phone number, gender, age or address. 

      Some of the information collected or used will not personally identify you but may be anonymous or aggregated with other data. If you cannot be reasonably identified, or re-identified, this is not personally identifiable data. We may obtain this information, without limitation, by use of ‘Cookies’ or other analytics tools. Cookies are commonly used by websites on the Internet and are a feature that recognizes and identifies users’ computers. The Cookie does not contain any information that personally identifies you and we do not use Cookies in order to obtain personally identifiable information. Your browser should allow you to refuse Cookies if you desire. 

      Storage and Security of Your PI 

      Brickographer may hold information, including Your PI, in electronic and/or hard copy format, and will use all reasonable endeavours to maintain the security of Your PI, and protect it from unauthorised use, interference, loss, modification or disclosure. This may include storing it in secure databases that are protected against unauthorised access, and taking other physical, electronic and procedural security steps. Information we hold may from time to time be combined or linked with other information, including information that we receive from third parties. We require our staff and service providers to respect the confidentiality of Your PI, and keep it secure from unauthorised access, misuse, loss and interference. 

      Your PI may be stored and processed both in Australia and/or any other country in which Brickographer or its subsidiaries affiliates, related bodies corporate, contractors or service providers maintain facilities (e.g. on servers hosted overseas). In such cases, Brickographer takes reasonable steps to ensure that third parties overseas handle all personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 

      We do not guarantee that Your PI will always be secure during transmission or from unauthorised access during storage. Please contact Brickographer immediately if you become aware or have reason to believe there has been any unauthorised use of Your PI. 

      Use and Disclosure of Your PI 

      Generally, we will only use Your PI for the primary purpose for which it was collected, or a closely related secondary purpose (which you should reasonably expect). An example of a secondary use is to operate and improve the Sites and your experience of the Sites, communicate with you or otherwise optimise our products and services. 

      Brickographer will not disclose Your PI without your consent to third parties for advertising. Brickographer may disclose some information that does not personally identify you to advertisers or other suppliers in the form of aggregated statistics or other anonymised data. This provision of information is to assist Brickographer with improvements to the Sites or its business operations generally. 

       Brickographer may provide certain information to its related bodies corporate, contractors and/or service providers with a need to know that information, and subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. 

      Where you have expressly or implicitly provided your consent, Brickographer may use Your PI to send you information about our products or services, or those of commercial sponsors, advertisers, clients, partners or associates in and outside Australia (together, ‘ Brickographer Partners’). If you subsequently decide that you do not wish to receive information about the products and services of the Brickographer Partners, please Contact Us with your request to be removed from our mailing list or use the unsubscribe link at the end of the relevant email. 

      Access to Your PI 

      Brickographer will use all reasonable endeavours to keep Your PI accurate. Please contact us if you wish to examine Your PI for accuracy. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide a complete list of Your PI within 14 days of receipt of your enquiry. 

      You may Contact Us to amend any of Your PI that is inaccurate or request that Your PI be deleted. We will use reasonable endeavours to amend or delete your records as requested within 14 days of receipt of notice. If applicable, any legal requirement on Brickographer to maintain certain records of Your PI shall prevail over any of your requests. 


      Brickographer will only collect, use or disclose information that personally identifies you as set out in this Privacy Policy unless in our opinion Brickographer is required by law to protect the rights or property of Brickographer or any third party, or to avoid injury to any person. 

      This Privacy Policy does not apply to websites, properties, applications or facilities which are not under Brickographer control. You should check the privacy policy of any other websites you enter. You acknowledge that Brickographer is not responsible for the content or practices of the other websites, including the manner in which they collect, store, use or disseminate Your PI. 

      Further Information on Privacy 

      If you believe that your privacy has been breached by Brickographer, you can lodge a complaint by contacting the Brickographer Privacy Officer and all attempts will be made to resolve the matter. 

      If you are not satisfied with the outcome, or if you would like any further information about your rights to privacy, you are free to contact the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner. 

      Telephone:1300 363 992 

      Contact Us 

      If you have any queries regarding this Privacy Policy or would like to read, amend or delete any of Your PI, please contact the Brickographer Privacy Officer.